Recent content by Darkmage

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    Wing Commander IV DVD edition on Linux

    Be aware that I have not tested this myself, but if it's true then this might be the final answer for Windows 95/98 on Linux... It's a 3DFX Accelerator plugin for QEMU Virtual Machines. Run Windows 95/98 as a VM and have accelerated graphics. I've waited a...
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    Listen to WC3 Soundtrack on Original Roland Hardware (April 5, 2024)

    Sounds great on an SC-55 too! (SCC-1 is an SC-55 on a card.) There's even a PCMCIA version for laptops! SCP-55!
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    Learn About Privateer’s Deleted Rufueler Truck (February 23, 2024)

    The insane level and attention to detail are why these games remain iconic 30+ years later. They created worlds that seemed to be bigger than what was presented to the player.
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    Splendid WC4 Preview Includes Revealing Set Shots & Early Engine Demo (December 10, 2023)

    The radar display reminds me of the WC3 MFD backgrounds. Notice the grid patterns?
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    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    This is the link to HCL's DLL Hacking Guide I was able to hook wc3w.exe from Kilrathi Saga but it's loading my dll file every time the game loads a scene, doesn't matter if it's a cutscene, a mission or a screen on the TCS Victory. If we can get this working, it also opens the door to HD Movie...
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    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Hi Destro, Are you able to share with me some information about your dll injection on Kilrathi Saga? I'm trying to develop dll patches for Wing Commander 3/4 for handling Force Feedback Joystick support. I'm having some trouble hooking the executables. I've followed HCL's hooking guide and I got...
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    Wing Commander 4 DOS Linux : Failed loading MUSIC.TRE file

    If you have the WC4 DOS version, apply the Windows 95 patch and run it in WINE. It's platinum rated on the latest 8.11 WINE version. DVD edition sadly has some major issues with the cutscenes. I'll need to do a deep dive on it with the WINE team at some point.
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    We know that Wing Commander 2 used 3D renders for most of the interior scenes, the Bridge, Briefing room, Hangar Bays, Thrakhath's ship and the Comms room. We even have most of the models. But there are many scenes were we don't have the original 3D art assuming it wasn't hand drawn. Privateer...
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    Remembering Creative's Wing Commander Legacy (January 7, 2023)

    I had this Creative compilation disk, it came with a SoundBlaster card:
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    Wing Commander IV DVD edition on Linux

    It also works with the HD re-encodes by ODVS. Just drop them into the vob folder.
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    Wing Commander IV DVD edition on Linux

    Hi guys, I've been doing some work on getting Wing Commander IV DVD edition (GOG) tested for WINE under Linux. I run Debian 12 Bookworm with WINE-7.21 and the game is basically fully working. I have the GOG DVD edition, it runs, joystick/keyboard/mouse all work. Cutscenes work correctly. I have...
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    Wing Commander 4 modding

    There's video up on Youtube of some playable footage:
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    Wing Commander 4 modding

    Closest thing to a source port of Wing Commander would be libRealspace. WCRespace is a very very cool engine upgrade/remake project.
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    Please suggest a Mac powerbook or Mac laptop to run SWC

    I started to write joystick support for SWC in Sheepshaver/Basiliisk 2. It works, but it only does X/Y and Button 1. I'd like to properly implement support for a complex ADB joystick e.g a CH Flightstick.
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    My Money's on the Tbolt (September 20, 2022)

    Considering the Thunderbolt is a space superiority fighter from 600 years into the future vs Stargate's near future timeline, it's not that big of a shock.