Recent content by wcnut

  1. W

    Wing Commander IV DVD edition on Linux

    If emulation is the way with the origional patch, I believe PCemu/86box already have 3dfx emulation. Though it's a pain to set up. Honestly I think the method for playing these movies, specifically Odvs' enhanced versions just needs to be redone from the ground up.
  2. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Excellent! Yeah Im in the same boat with WCP/WCIV DVD patches. Maybe one day someone will do a libvlc type patch. That really does work well for WC3
  3. W

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Oh yes, absolutely. I've never been able to get the DVD patch to work for WCP or WC4 in linux wine. I know some people have had some luck but I find the whole thing extremely finicky. But this new libvlc method is working wonders for WC3. Here is to hoping!
  4. W

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    Such an absolute joy trying this out last night! Seriously a dream come true. Thank you! On a future update, i was curious if you had given any thought to adding in some of the cut content? news reels, Hobbs scene, ect.. Would that be possible with this method of playing video?
  5. W

    Wing Commander III Enhancement Patch

    I didn't have any issues with it. Worked right away. But then I'm using wine on linux. Not sure how that would effect things. Oh I did throw his files right on top of my wc3 wing loader install with Destro's patches. Maybe something there is a requirement.
  6. W

    Watch WC Evolution in Phil's Lab (April 20, 2024)

    Oh most definitely. I remember games like Rebel Assault running seemingly worse that that. I think people easily forget how different the world was like back then. PC's were not that common in every household. And the ones that did generally were not that powerful. Also I'm pretty certain...
  7. W

    Dosbox-Staging 0.81 RC Has Now Been Released with 3DFX / Voodoo 1 Support!

    Maybe, but at that point you are better off with PCem or 86Box. Or better yet just use nglide on your modern system directly
  8. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    I finally got my copy to work again (boy was it a pain!) I don't know what I was thinking, space is blue in KS as well. As with that same joystick issue. I suspect it must be a wine thing because I do remember twist working with roll. [EDIT] Oh while looking for any clues in the files and...
  9. W


    Oh yes definitely, use to hit those types of errors all the time in linux wine before proton came onto the scene. :)
  10. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Its actually the other way around. In the DOS and Mac versions of WC3, space is blue. KS made it black. I'm not sure what could have changed to make it blue with your patch. Unless I'm totally crazy? Maybe I'm conflating WCIV it has been a long time since I have played that version.
  11. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Thank you! Question though, why is space blue and the joystick not have roll? I just tried your patch against the actual WCIII KS assets and had the same thing [EDIT] Oh Z axis is now throttle instead of roll, interesting
  12. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    The WCIII link goes to the WCII file. A shame I was so looking forward to trying this tonight. It would be so nice not to need the cds for WCIII KS. There was never a good patch for that in the past. [EDIT] Oh I missed the patch from earlier! Interesting! It's running in as KS, but...
  13. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Thank you sir! That did it! No worries, I'm always expecting some sort of weirdness. Comes with the territory of running things on things that they originally weren't meant to. :) Right now I can confirm it does indeed work in wine! Though I do remember needing Windows to patch the KS...
  14. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Thanks! Well that got the excutables to load, but I don't get the CD voices anymore with that version. Everything is in the correct place still. So not sure whats up. Also another thing. when I open up in the wine console, this message keeps flooding the screen. Not sure what it means...
  15. W

    Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

    Thank you! I should be able to give it a try tonight and let you know how it goes. No worries, neither can I! Though while you are at it you can fix the random capitalization of "File Location." We aren't speaking German 😁