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  1. Bandit LOAF

    Ready to Patch Things Up (May 30, 2024)

    I considered that but it's so antithetical to how Chris Roberts treats details like that... on the balance I think the choice of the Concordia for the patches was intentional (they could've just as easily used the non-denominational Confed patch that the guards wear).
  2. Bandit LOAF

    Ready to Patch Things Up (May 30, 2024)

    When Maniac and Blair first arrive on the Tiger Claw they're wearing CSS Concordia patches on their peacoats. It's not really clear why unless the only other option was a Tiger Claw one. He changes sweaters between acts, too! Or I guess maybe he just hot glues a different patch onto the...
  3. Bandit LOAF

    Oh What, Nobody!?! (May 25, 2024)

    How many people here know about the Maniac? Some lesser known Maniac variations, pixel edition: Fine art edition. Wait did he start out as just... Luke Skywalker? And Tom Wilson auditioned for Blair... *X-Files theme* -- Original update published on May 25, 2024
  4. Bandit LOAF

    I’d Listen to This Podcast (May 23, 2024)

    This is probably the best photo of Flint and a Kilrathi extra with tiny hands that you're going to see tonight. -- Original update published on May 23, 2024
  5. Bandit LOAF

    Goodbye Klavs (May 13, 2024)

    If I ever get a chance to write any more canonical material you can guarantee it! (I did name an solar observatory station after him in Star Citizen some years ago and I think it still shows up occasionally in their lore!)
  6. Bandit LOAF

    Moving On (May 14, 2024)

    These were both cut because they were bugged; the triangle ship was intended to be the common freighter and the 'spindle' one we see in the final game was supposed to be the tanker (exclusive to the refuel the Behemoth mission). There were clipping issues with the triangle ship and it was...
  7. Bandit LOAF

    Goodbye Klavs (May 13, 2024)

    We are truly brokenhearted to announce that Adam "Klavs" Burch, a true giant of the Wing Commander community, has passed away unexpectedly. He was a dear friend to many and always a positive voice, a kind person always eager to help. His creative work was unbelievable. The artwork he created...
  8. Bandit LOAF

    Target Acquired: Microsoft's WC3 Test Copy (May 6, 2024)

    Thank you! We adopted Sully and his sister Lumi about a year and a half ago and they're our whole lives now. Black cats have a proud history in Wing Commander, too - one plays a pretty important role in False Colors!
  9. Bandit LOAF

    The WC4 Installer Is Such a Mood (May 8, 2024)

    Remember the specific point in 1995 where game installers all got hot? Crazy how you go from that to that in a year. I'm updating all my GOG .conf files to add a bunch of handy options. I gave the first games a command line option with a debug mode cheat sheet. Easy way to quickly...
  10. Bandit LOAF

    Target Acquired: Microsoft's WC3 Test Copy (May 6, 2024)

    An eBay find: a copy of Wing Commander III that belonged to Microsoft’s QA folks! I’ll send it back if they promise to get it running in Windows 11. Microsoft would have used copies like this to playtest compatibility for Windows 95 (and adjust Control+C behavior)! -- Original update...
  11. Bandit LOAF

    Livestream announcement

    Awesome, should be fun!
  12. Bandit LOAF

    Privateer with a Tarsus

    I'm sorry that didn't appear in real time, something triggered this post to be stuck in an approval queue... which is something I didn't even know existed! Eager to hear more about your Gemini Sector adventures.
  13. Bandit LOAF

    Who’s That Lady? (April 30, 2024)

    There's a piece of IMDb trivia that claims the poster in Blair's quarters is Freddie Prinze Jr.'s future wife, Sarah Michelle Gellar. I hate to ruin a non-Star Wars-related Wing Commander factoid but... ... it's not true. It's one of several propaganda posters made for the Tiger Claw sets...
  14. Bandit LOAF

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department (April 19, 2024)

    I think that works for an overall lore read but since the Pilgrim stuff wasn't around for Claw Marks the intention was probably more that the human culture is portraying the (new) fight with the Kilrathi as similar to a crusade. I think it reflects interestingly on the original 'amoral human...
  15. Bandit LOAF

    The Many Ship Selection Screens of Wing Commander 3 (April 27, 2024)

    Yeah, that's absolutely what happened. So much of the 'lore' aspect we pour over didn't really matter to the actual game... there are no dates or hard references... by the time you got to the FMV games it was rare for the scripts to even have in-universe terms like the names of enemy ships. It...
  16. Bandit LOAF

    The Many Ship Selection Screens of Wing Commander 3 (April 27, 2024)

    Let's compare the Wing Commander 3 ship selection screen across ports! Here's the PC/Mac, 3DO (two screens instead of one) and PlayStation versions of the Arrow... Three Hellcats V, primed, prepped, etc. Thunderbolt! The Longbow is largely cut from the 3DO version; it...
  17. Bandit LOAF

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department (April 19, 2024)

    Massive thank you to the one person that actually read enough of this to click the discussion button.
  18. Bandit LOAF

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department (April 19, 2024)

    The Torturous Wing Commander Poetry Department Editor's note: in honor of the pop culture Behemoth that is the release of Taylor Swift's Tortured Poet's Department and the fact that it is the author's birthday and he is allowed one needlessly self-indulgent Wing Commander article per year we...
  19. Bandit LOAF

    New Emulation Rules Bring Classic WC Games to Apple Devices (April 18, 2024)

    So the app itself is a free download from the App Store: For the games you will need to provide a ROM. In theory that means copying your own game but the reality is that the web is full of old game ROMs. Download the one you want in...
  20. Bandit LOAF

    New Emulation Rules Bring Classic WC Games to Apple Devices (April 18, 2024)

    I don't have a Bluetooth SNES pad but an Xbox controller works great.