Alan Gutierrez

The Terran Knowledge Bank
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Alan Gutierrez
Roles Card Artist

Alan Gutierrez is a game developer credited with work on the Wing Commander Collectible Trading Card Game. They were responsible for the artwork for 24 different cards including six luck cards, eight modifier cards and ten nav point cards.

Card Art

Terran Cards

Kilrathi Cards

Wing Commander Credits

Original Art


From the card came Wing Commander, commissioned and published by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, 1995.

One of the most striking cards of the 12  I did, it is one of the last astronomicals left in my archives.

I had to recreate the art, as the scan brought up the printed pixels too much (very small image), so it is a digital version of the original trad. version.

Part of a series that includes Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, and Epsilon.


From the card game Wing Commander, commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis, 1995

Part of a last offering of astronomical works in the archive, a simple rendering for mood in the game...

Gouache on Masonite, photoshop finishing.

Capture Pilot

From the card game Wing Commander, commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis, 1994.

A "Luck" card (in this case bad luck) capturing an opposing pilot from a destroyed fighter.

Gouache on masonite.


From the card game "Wing Commander", commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis, 1995.

The original idea in the commissioned game.

This was also used as the background for

And as part of other concept sketches for the "Stranded" book.

Gouache on masonite with Photoshop enhancement.


From the card game Wing Commander, commissioned and published by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, 1995

Part of the 12 illustrated works, and one of two more I mustered up for the last astronomicals in my archive, for mood...

Gouache on Masonite w/photoshop finishing

Kilrathi Capture Pilot

From the card game "Wing Commander", commissioned and published by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, 1995

This Kilrathi is none too happy at being captured, and is one of 4 "Luck" cards I did, showing 2 of each adversary.

Gouache on masonite.

Kilrathi Recovery Pilot

From the card game "Wing Commander" commissioned and published by Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman, 1995

One of 4 "Luck" cards of "recovery" and "capture" pilots of adversaries in the game.

Gouache on Masonite.

Magnum Launch

From the card game "Wing Commander" commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis, 1995
A "Luck" card, it was the launching of the "Arrow" fighter, and used again for "X Wing Fighter Scramble"

Edit: This may have came before the "X Wing" art (presumably). But since I'm not sure when that commission happened, It could be Magnum Launch as the original...


From the Wing Commander card game, commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis, 1995

This is the combination of 2 traditionally painted works, "Minefield", and "Skillful Use Of Missile Decoys" from the game. Since I had the original scan from "Minefield", I digitally added the ship (unscanned and had to be digitally restored from the printed card) to present this new variation.

Top half gouache on Masonite.

Nebula 2

From the card game "Wing Commander" commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis, 1994

Last of the Wing Commander art.

Second of 2 Nebulas, the first;

Gouache on masonite.


Commissioned by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman 1996, for the card came "Wing Commander"

I did about 10 small illustrations for the card game, with various celestial effects, that might affect the outcome of the game.

This was the only one I ever scanned from the original art.

It's been many years, but my understanding is that a collapsed star-burnt out and becoming more dense, emits electromagnetic radiation (the blue streaks) and, spins very fast, with the light (the eruption in orange) "pulsing" as it spins.

There may be other more accurate depictions, but this was done just for fun, so I'm not interested in the specifics. Just the wonder of outer space...
Gouache on masonite, 7" x 10"

Recovery Pilot

From the card game "Wing Commander" commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis, 1994

A grateful pilot rescued in a "luck" card.

Gouache on masonite board.
