trying to play this mod one more time


Rear Admiral
using the arrow keys mapped to my controller I got it working better, but im stuck on mission 5 of ep 1. the one where your suppose to destroy the pirates base, it might be hard bc I only have 5 fighters in the flight including myself, but I cant beat it. I have gotten to the pt twice where I destroyed all pirates and the guns on the base, but by then usually all my wingmen besides hotdog are gone and I dont have much left myself and the nexus pirates jump there anyway I can beat this or should I just start of with my new config to try and keep more planes fighting.

ps troll ejects every-time within the first 1 minute of the mission every time, could this be a glitch or extremely bad luck. he says the same thing every time something like flak is really heavy.... then followed by him ejecting.
Storming the Rock is the first serious difficulty spike in the game, and it's definitely something of a skill check. (It gets worse, though not for a while.) I did it with five fighters in my Let's Play of Standoff (
) so it's definitely possible.

Some things I'd say: try playing on Hero, because the AI is really bad at hitting turrets on Ace (that's actually something I have going for me in the video - I'm on Nightmare, so it's even better at it. On the other hand, my ship is also half health...). Avoid getting into head-to-head runs with enemy fighters, instead hit them when they're turning (good advice for almost all of Standoff, actually, except when flying the Rapier-II). The video shows a couple of cheap tricks to play on the enemy relating to turret firing arcs and the lack of collision avoidance routines in the fighter AI, too.

Basically, the key is to fly really defensively; that's going to be important for quite a lot of Standoff's attritional battles, so the game is trying to teach you it nice and early. It's a bit like SM1, or some of the nastier parts of WC3 in that respect.
Storming the Rock is the first serious difficulty spike in the game, and it's definitely something of a skill check. (It gets worse, though not for a while.) I did it with five fighters in my Let's Play of Standoff (
) so it's definitely possible.

Some things I'd say: try playing on Hero, because the AI is really bad at hitting turrets on Ace (that's actually something I have going for me in the video - I'm on Nightmare, so it's even better at it. On the other hand, my ship is also half health...). Avoid getting into head-to-head runs with enemy fighters, instead hit them when they're turning (good advice for almost all of Standoff, actually, except when flying the Rapier-II). The video shows a couple of cheap tricks to play on the enemy relating to turret firing arcs and the lack of collision avoidance routines in the fighter AI, too.

Basically, the key is to fly really defensively; that's going to be important for quite a lot of Standoff's attritional battles, so the game is trying to teach you it nice and early. It's a bit like SM1, or some of the nastier parts of WC3 in that respect.

thanks for the post I beat it right before this im actually on mission 4 of chapter 2, and seem to be doing well know. I feel like sometimes the damage you take is not always the same rather or not you change the difficulty, Im playing on nightmare not bc I think im an ace but its the one difficulty where the friendly AI seems to actually work to a degree
quick question I havent played again since my last post but how many ships should try and keep alive, will I ever get more reinforcements or is this it. I think I have 10 stilettos 12 gladius and 14 rapiers.
You will get reinforcements throughout the game. Your progression and success determines what kind you receive. You certainly want to keep as many wingmen alive as possible. They help out in missions and well, it's the right thing to do. The Confederation can't spare good pilots at this critical moment!
If you're playing on Nightmare (this is about to become difficult - Nightmare is about as hard as Hero in Ep1, Ep2 is just easy all around, and then Ep3 onwards Nightmare is much harder than Hero) then you basically never lose enough fighters that you're ever in danger of running out.

You will, more than likely, end up with far far more fighters than could possibly have actually fitted on the Firekka. I had 57 at the start of Episode 5...
If you're playing on Nightmare (this is about to become difficult - Nightmare is about as hard as Hero in Ep1, Ep2 is just easy all around, and then Ep3 onwards Nightmare is much harder than Hero) then you basically never lose enough fighters that you're ever in danger of running out.

You will, more than likely, end up with far far more fighters than could possibly have actually fitted on the Firekka. I had 57 at the start of Episode 5...
so are you saying I should bump it back down to hero, the only reason I was playing on nightmare is bc on hero my wingmen would drop like flies in less than a minute
Eh, it's a computer game. Drop the difficulty down if you're finding it more effort than you're really interested in putting in. I got through it on Nightmare, it can't be that hard. But my recollection of playing on Hero is that wingmen don't generally last much if any longer than they do on Nightmare once a) the Confederation stop fielding deathtraps so regularly and b) the Kilrathi start fielding things armed with Paw dumbfires.
Eh, it's a computer game. Drop the difficulty down if you're finding it more effort than you're really interested in putting in. I got through it on Nightmare, it can't be that hard. But my recollection of playing on Hero is that wingmen don't generally last much if any longer than they do on Nightmare once a) the Confederation stop fielding deathtraps so regularly and b) the Kilrathi start fielding things armed with Paw dumbfires.
thats what im saying nightmare so far is a lot easier than hero. hero is actually a lot harder bc your wingmen are dumb and die instantly, its just strange, Im on mission 3 of ep 3 and I beat each stage after a couple of tries on nightmare, when I bumped it down to hero the game became a lot harder bc the wingmen drop like flies in minutes. its backwards
i was so excited to play this game as I've played every wing commander game and beat them, however this game is soooooo damn hard!@ I got about 15 missions in and stopped. However watching that video I'm tempted to try it again.
Trying turning up the difficulty. This will make your wingmen smarter and you might find it to be not so hard.

Also, what's the point of something if there's no challenge? ;)
wait....turn UP the difficulty level to make my wingmen smarter? Crazy,worth a shot. Thats what I didn't like, within a minute or two my wingmen all seemed to die so fast always leaving me all alone lol