Run Super Wing Commander in Windows Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Tolwyn has sent information regarding Super Wing Commander operating in Windows XP. If you're not familiar with SWC, it was a special Wing Commander game produced for the Macintosh and 3DO. It followed the chronicles of Wing Commander 1 and Secret Missions 1 in a completely redone graphical engine on par with Privateer or Armada. It also introduced a new campaign between Secret Missions 1 & 2 where you hunt down the shipyards that produced the Sivar Dreadnought.

You may be interested to know that it is possible to run Super Wing Commander on a Windows-based platform using the Basilisk 2 emulator. If anyone is interested I could provide configuration data.
A few people have had varying levels of success getting SWC to run on different platforms before, but Tolwyn sent along some screenshots of the game in action. You can ask Tolwyn any questions about running this at here.

#Wingnut's A-Live Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Hopefully a lot of you guys got some cool gifts during the holiday season. Quite a few regulars in #Wingnut got some new toys. If you'd like to join some Wing Commander fans, and play some of your new games, drop on by and see what people have. Here's a couple shots from a quick game of Rainbow Six 3 on XBox Live we had last night.

Testing out my new digital camera here, so those aren't direct screen caps.

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