Point of Origin: Vol. II, No. 25 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's the end of the beginning - Origin Systems has been sold to Electronic Arts! Many people don't realize that the purchase happened so early - in fact, EA was responsible for funding almost every Wing Commander release. Most of the issue is dedicated to explaining the deal and the new corporate organization... but there are a few references to Wing Commander.

A very special thanks to Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum for making this resource available and to Electronic Arts for sending them to him in the first place!

  • Across the Pond has good news about Wing Commander Amiga: "Wing Commander for the Amiga is also flying after our own Roswitha Shoemake provided some proofreading skills for the German text. It's being plugged into the game right now. Jennie expects it to ship in October, with the English version to follow within a couple of weeks." Quote-a System has more magazine quotes praising the series: "Wing 2 picks up honors as Best Arcade Game. Multimedia World says: 'With photo-realistic backgrounds, 3-D animation and digitized speech, Wing Commander II was a big hit with our readers.' The editors had leaked news to Point of ORIGIN that Wing 2 had also won Best Flight Simulation, but now that the issue's out, Falcon 3.0 gets the award. When confronted, the editors couldn't seem to remember telling us anything. Reach your own conclusions. In any case, hearty congrats to those teams for racking up more prestigious honors (and publicity)." and "According to Bill Trotter in September's PC Entertainment, Special Ops 2 'lives up to the high standards set by its predecessors... These people are as comfortably known to us as the crew of the Enterprise and encountering them again is like meeting old friends."
Point of Origin
Vol. II, No. 25 - September 25, 1992
Done Deal
Electronic Arts
On the Clock
Across the Pond
Quote-a System
Dear Point Man
On a Personal Note
Origin University
Buy: The Way
French Faux Pas
Dear Point Man

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